Inkwell Shanghai is not a single group. Instead, Inkwell Shanghai is comprised of many different subgroups that all contribute to the arts collective that is Inkwell. Each year, our organization grows, and we dream a little bigger, but for the sake of clarity, I’ll list all the different branches of the workshop that are currently active. If you are at all interested in joining any of these workshops, please contact Ry at his WeChat, texaswriter.
Fiction and Nonfiction workshops meet at 105 Whisky Lounge on Shaoxing Lu.
Nonfiction workshop meets at Vesh coffee.
Screenwriting and Youth Writers Project move around. Join the chat for more information.
The Inkwell Fiction Workshop meets every other Tuesday 7-9 pm and is currently led by Math and Elena. They focus primarily on short fiction with the occasional novel. All genres and styles are welcome. Submissions should be less than two thousand words. Workshop members read in advance, so workshop time is dedicated to reviewing and discussing people’s work. Check out the 经常问的问题.
非小说作坊 is currently led by Hannah Lund and Alex Fong. Nonfiction alternates Tuesdays with Fiction, and they also alternate between generative workshops and review workshops. For more detail, join the chat or check out the calendar.
诗歌工作坊 由罗素·格兰特(Russell Grant)经营,隔周三开会。鼓励与会者将诗歌的印刷本带到会议上,会议通常在6:30开始。
青年作家计划 is run by Patti MacAlpine and focuses on providing high school students with a free, well-run creative writing class. It meets once a month at a local international high school.
Screenwriting Workshop is led by Ender Walters and meets once every month on Thursday and also holds screenings and table reads of work.
Translation Workshop is run by Sabrina Zhang, the CEO of Inktale, and it meets once a month on a Thursday.
The Inkwell Reading Club focuses on classical and contemporary short prose works. They meet every other Monday at 7pm at Garden Books on Changle Lu.
周日涂鸦 is a casual writing meetup that meets every other Sunday in the late afternoon to chat and write. Location changes every week, so join the chat if you’d like to know where the group is meeting next.
Poetry Discussion focuses on the reading and interpretation of poetry. They meet once a month and focus on different poets and movements within poetry.
上海之声 是研讨会的公共阅读丛书。这是一本精选的阅读丛书,精选了强大的本地作家。一年两次。每个《上海之声》都会呼吁读者。
圣人圈 是研讨会的讲座系列。在这次活动中,来自上海的杰出教育者在喝酒时以有趣而引人入胜的方式介绍了顽固的话题。
愿景 是车间的杂志,每年印刷两次。它在不同的研讨会活动中免费提供。考虑中 提交中.
撤退 occurs twice a year and is our major event. Spring retreat occurs in Shanghai while Fall retreat is usually located somewhere around Shanghai. Presenters give short lectures to help writers’ professional development. Fall retreat focuses on generative prompts while the spring retreat has no restrictions. For more details, follow the official WeChat.