分类: 工作坊

Using Literature as a Springboard: Novel Craft and David Bradbury’s Harbor City Homicide

This is a craft essay from Inkwell fiction writer, David Bradbury on his process as a novel writer. I hope you’ll consider buying his newest book, Harbor City Homicide, which is available on Amazon. Hello Fellow Writers, Ryan has asked me to jot down my thoughts about the process of starting off with the idea for a…

通过 Inkwell_Admin 1月 20, 2022

Inkwell Ningbo

As Inkwell continues to grow, we have decided to launch Inkwell Ningbo. As a partner organization, they will be able to better serve the literary community of Ningbo and continue Inkwell’s mission of creating better writers, developing a literary community, and offering educational opportunities to both writers and the general public. Lin will be co-heading…

通过 Inkwell_Admin 2021年2月6日

Inkwell Shenzhen

As Inkwell continues to grow, we have decided to launch Inkwell Shenzhen. As a partner organization, they will be able to better serve the literary community of Shenzhen and continue Inkwell’s mission of creating better writers, developing a literary community, and offering educational opportunities to both writers and the general public. Vivian Zhu will be…

通过 Inkwell_Admin 2021年1月17日

Inkwell Suzhou

As Inkwell continues to grow, we have decided to launch Inkwell Suzhou. As a partner organization, they will be able to better serve the literary community of Suzhou and continue Inkwell’s mission of creating better writers, developing a literary community, and offering educational opportunities to both writers and the general public. The organization as a new…

通过 Inkwell_Admin 2021年1月7日



通过 Inkwell_Admin 2020年11月13日